Perazzo Brothers Dairy Farm Tour
Date – Time
April 29, 2025
– 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Grade/Age Restriction
Pre-School–Adult 20+ ; 3 y/o–19 y/o
Perazzo Brothers Dairy
Fallon, NV 89406
Additional Information
Come join Eagle on a tour of Perazzo Brother's Dairy Farm in Fallon, NV. Students will tour the milking barn, observe daily operations, visit a museum that showcases the hertiage of the industry and Perazzo's family business, visit new born calves, and more. Come ready with questions, shoes that can get dirty, a coat, hat and gloves as we will be indoors and outdoors on this tour.
Please arrive at 9:45am sharp at the farm. Please park in front of the large barn on the right side of the road, just after you come around the corner. Our group will be divided into an older and younger group for the tours. Another option will be for folks to meet Megan at the Fox Peak Gas Station on the edge of town at 9:20am (615 E Williams Ave, Fallon, NV 89406). She will leave at 9:30am sharp to head on out to the farm.
Important Notes:
-This field trip is in Fallon - please plan ahead and allow cushion to your travel time.
-The gas station is a great place bathoom stop. There are NO RESTROOMS at the farm to be used.
-This is not stroller friendly.
-All parents please be active in monitoring behavoir on this field trip. The museum contains family heirlooms and children will be around new and old machinary.
Let's meet at Oats Park for a picnic lunch and play!
199-101 W Park St, Fallon, NV 89406