National Automobile Museum

Date – Time

Field Trip – 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Additional Information

Let's go to the Reno Automobile Museum and explore!


field trip starts a 9:30am--please plan to arrive a few min early so we may gather as group!

The field trip will last approximately two hours and the students will receive a guided  tour of the Museum  and get to go to the museum worwkout for a project!

We will be breaking into two groups... older and younger so they can do a workshop geared more towards their age range.

The workshops are only avaible for studetns 5 and older.  Siblings are welcome but will be counted as non workshopers.

The price is $5 per student & $3 per adult/stoller students 4 and younger

They need our final headcount by Oct 27th so they can order the workshop items so sign-up as soon as you can.